Tuesday 6 March 2012

Amended Primate Family Tree

This is my revised version, combining my researches with Tyer Stone's additions.

The original Family Tree was found on a photosearch and attributed to: http://www.wwnorton.com/college/anthro/our-origins2/ch/09/answers.aspx


  1. Hey! Where's the Yowie!

  2. I count the Yowie as 1) One of the Wildmen types, not a separate species and 2) Also a variety of the common orangutan (see earlier blog, some Yowies leave orangutan tracks)

    Now you can also say, "Hey where's the Orang Pendek?" and I would give you exactly the same answer. I do not believe anybody has established the Orang Pendek is a separate species and it is at the species level where there is a threshold of distinctness enough to show on the chart.

    My own rule of thumb is that if a Cryptid is not distinctive enough to be counted as a new, previously-undescribed species, it really doesn't count as a Cryptid.

    Best Wishes, Dale D.

  3. I've been looking into different Hominid Classification schemes and think that, while this basically is correct, there are places where the categories can be sub-divided (more as geographic subspecies or races than anything else) and will probably have a blog on it up between tomorrow and Friday. Any chance I could use this? Full credit will be given to you, of course.

    Best regards,
    Tyler Stone

  4. Certainly. And I was constrained by space as to how much I could do with a pre-existing chart. But please, go on ahead and you have free use. Melba Ketcham also has free use, if the representation will do any good in helping settle Bigfoot classifications in any way.

    Also looking foreward to your Freshwater Monkey summary piece: and I have a blog pending including in the 3-toed variety of Devil Monkeys in that same category.

    Best Wishes, Dale D.

  5. If you're waiting to publish it, go ahead. I might add it as a supplementary update. My post probably won't be finished till later tonight or tomorrow.

    Best regards,
    Tyler Stone

  6. I have supposedly an arrangement with Jon Downes to play these postings out over time so that I won't get all of the links coming out together in clump: this way he gets some links to post for every day of the week and I have no lulls in the schedule. Only thing is now I'm already two days ahead-Jon won't be announcing this current posting until Thursday. The soonest that other entry can be advertised is on Friday, and I want to have a couple of good stories to post on Sunday and Monday too (Theoretically two days of heavier usage) The upshot is, I will have to wait a little while before I pass that one owing to previous scheduling committments. But you go on ahead with yours, I'll be looking foreward to it. I'll send you a preview of the other article in your personal email.If you wish to quote it and you post before I do, you can always say my article is "in Press"

    Best Wishes, Dale D.

  7. That sounds like a great idea. I actually have the post almost done, but I think I'll at least add some quotes from your article and add my thoughts for the time being.

    BTW, I'm trying to cover some "Frogfoot" tracks in the upcoming post.

    Best regards,
    Tyler Stone

  8. Check your mail, you should have it already.All the Best Always, Dale D.


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