Tuesday 23 August 2011

CFZ Repost: Sisiutl (Sisutl is Euryapsid)

I was on an internet search to go with the theme "Cadborosaurus is a Euryapsid" when I came across one of my older blogs: the photosearch turned up one of my photos labelled "Sisiutl is a Euryapsid"

Works for me: I'll reprint the CFZ posting here.

Thursday, January 20, 2011
(PART 2)

Sisiutl is a very important Totem of the Northwest Coastal area under a variety of names. It is a peculiar thing because of the artwork in the area is known to "Unfold" subjects and show both sides at the same time. So the Sisiutl is spoken of as "Two_headed" because the head shows in profile on either end.

Sisiutl is also important as evidence of TransPacific diffusion because there have been several experts that have said it is the direct transposition of the very old Chinese figure of T'ao-T'ieh (Taotie) which is also basically a large central mask and incorporating two smaller "Dragon" figures in the design.
The Sisiutl would not really be a creature with a head on each end, it would be a creature where the head end and the tail end only look the same (or similar)

[Petroglyph of Sisiutl]
I believe in the New World the design of the Sisiutl is basically like some sea-turtle masks which use the shell as the area where a human face goes and the flippers are arranged around it. In this case, the basic idea is that there is a big "Turtle" body and then a longer snaky head and neck on the one side and then again a snaky tail on the other. The classic description of a plesiosaur as a "Snake threaded through the body of a turtle" springs to mind

[Tom Hunt Sisiutl, Left-hand side: Sisiutl is Euryapsid]

[Another Sisiutl with Plesiosaur Paddles]
In short and without belabouring a point too much, I think Sisiutl is a conventionalized way of depicting the same Longer-necked Sea-serpent types still reported more recently and sometimes called "Cadborosaurus". The one "Sis-Explained" diagram indicates a row of "Fins" down the back that obviously mean to show a "String-of-buoys" type of Sea-serpent report.

I have darkened over a Sisiutl depiction in the "Silhouette" illustrations to show what such a creature might look like in profile and from above (lengths of the neck and tail vary a great deal in such depictions so exact proportins are uncertain)

And I include a reference illustration of a conventional plesiosaur just to keep it handy.

[Thalassodracon, a Plesiosaur]

The Sisiutl is also closely connected to salmon and is said to govern salmon runs; they are said to be of "One nature" with the salmon.
Ivan Sanderson spoke of Longnecked creatures pursuing salmon runs and even "Herding" fishes into denser schools for easier feeding: he had said that one reason Longnecked creatures went inland was in pursuit of salmon runs and that they are occasionally seen following such runs in fresh water. I assume this meant in the Columbia river system but he might also have meant the Loch Ness Monster is supposed to favor a diet of salmon.One place he mentioned this is in Investigating the Unexplained.

Best Wishes, Dale D.

[As mentioned back in January, the Sisiutl continues on today as the Cadborosaurus, one of the Sea-serpents commonly spoken of as being of probably Plesiosaurian identity. The name "Cadborosaurus willsi" is however invalid as it is attached to a poorly-preserved carcass of dubious nature. Below are two photos of "Cadborosaurus, the first one a still from the recent Alaskan video, and at the bottom is a beachside reconstruction of Caddy.]

Not a bad Plesiosaur for the Caddy model either, except that I would place the flippers back a bit and under the humps. Just a reminder: "Caddy" properly refers to the maned "Merhorse" males and the unmaned Longneck females are called "Amy".


  1. My own theory on cadborosaurus is that it may be a surviving Zueglodont.

    Best Wishes,
    Noah Eckenrode,
    Amuter Cryptozoologist

    P.S. I visited Tyler Stones blog and talked to him. He is a well educated young man.

  2. Unfortunately your theory is clearly contradicted by the information given here, no offense.

  3. The problem with the zueglodont identification is 1) you are basing your identification on a characteristic type of sighting, which turns out to be a standing wave phenomenon, and 2) Zueglodons did not and could not actually swim that way, the individual vertebrae are too long for that, and 3) zueglodons did not and could not have an elongated neck region.

    Best Wishes, Dale D.

    1. oops! on closer examination of reports, it does sound more plesiosaur-like. My mistake.

      Best Wishes,

      Noah Eckenrode,

      Amateur Cryptozoologist


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