Saturday 16 July 2011

Patagonian Monsters and Manlike Apes

Whittall notes in the "Caveman" link below that this petroglyph seems to be depicting something distinctly shorter and stouter than the regular human stick figures surrounding it. By selecting it out and mirroring the arm to the other side, we come to something remarkably like the Chimu gold Siamang-like figure illustrated in my early posting about Precolumbian evidence for the Ameranthropoides (link below)
IMHO, this represents a large form of lesser ape much like a siamang, probably a male with its fur standing on end (piloerection) Given that the little circle could represent the muzzle, we can even hazard a reconstruction of the face. This would be a forerunner to the creatures still being reported in Northern Argentina as "Negroes-of-the-Water" (black things that go in the water-which are also reported in the trees, BTW)

Whitall also compares some of the reported Patagonian dwarf creatures to an Orangutan, listed in the links under "Chelep." While I also think there is a creature in South America that is much like an orangutan (hence both Mono Grand and Mono Rey as separated cryptids), I don't think the Chelep are an example. There is a strong possibility in my mind that the stumpy-ended legs and pointed head of the Traucos derive from reports of the Mapinguari further north, but in that case I think it is the stories that have travelled and not the creatures.

Yosi (Yoshi) would seem to be another transcription of the Mono Grand to the South of Patagonia, but on the other hand it is more obvious that Yosi is the same thing as Yasti as described in other places (this is another independant development of the "Trolldoll" representation or perhaps like the Orang Pendek) The problem with the representation is obviously in the preconceived notions of the artists making the pictures.

A "Wild Man of the Woods" compared to a reconstruction of a "Pithecanthropus"
During the Age of Discovery the distinction between Anthropoid apes and stories of "Wildmen" were obscured. Hence this representation of what was meant to be an orangutan came out as a more traditional depiction of a Wildman, and the leter reconstruction of the Homo erectus ("Pithecanthropus") once the same again. Comparing both with Yosi above, it is possible to pick out many similarities and perhaps the Patagonian Dwarfs are meant to depict small Homo erectus (or Solo?)types.

[Internet illustration depicting a "Patagonian Yeti" but originally intended to show a North American "Eastern Bigfoot"]

Relevant earlier postings on this blog:

1 comment:

  1. I'm just waiting for some young person to stop by and say "Oh that monkey from the Petroglyph is so adorable, I want a teddy bear made like that"

    Best Wishes, Dale D.


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